Hazel doesn’t like to travel.

Meow, it’s Hazel, and I have to admit something: I really don’t like being inside that carrier when we travel. It makes me feel a bit trapped and anxious. 🙀

I’m sorry if my meowing during our trips has been a bother. You see, the carrier is a bit confining, and I prefer my freedom to roam. Being placed inside it can make me feel like I’ve lost control of my surroundings, and I might express my discomfort through meowing.

The car rides themselves can be quite unsettling. The carrier isn’t the comfiest spot, and I can feel every bump and turn on the road. It’s disorienting, and not being able to see outside adds to my stress.

When we arrive in unfamiliar places, like the vet’s office or new destinations, the carrier just adds to my anxiety. All those new smells, strange animals, and people can be overwhelming.

I want you to know that I appreciate your efforts to take care of me, even during our travels. I know you’re doing your best to keep me safe and healthy. Please understand that my meowing is my way of expressing my discomfort, not a complaint about your care.

I’ll try my best to be a little quieter during our trips, and I hope that, with time, I might become more accustomed to the carrier. Thank you for understanding, and for being a wonderful human companion.

Purrs and cuddles, Hazel 🐾